Burning Illusions


Shh…. listen to the murmurs
They are talking about the creepy you.
One says “Me & my”.
Other says ” They & Them”.
None say “we and us”.
Some are selfless.
Few are better off with you.

They don’t know trillion unknowns in you .
Just like you , they just don’t bother .




Silence of Infinitesimals


you break few minutes for lustre dreams.
you discern yourself with lonesome gleams.
you chuckle for fallacies in unconscious screams.

In a flash away from “I”,
there will be a momentary “me”,
to welcome the undeniable “you”.
who has been a silenced thunder
beyond anyone’s clue.


11:28 pm , April 20th, 2017

Confidant Absence

2014-03-26-Alone_Man1440x900-thumb “We shared our emptiness , We shared our thoughts .

Our friendship is tied with sturdy naughts.

Moments in your absence ,

Left me with melancholy of silence.

There exists me with you my friend ,
While being miles apart. Remembering all our smiles at heart.

Miss you my dear,

let me not loose you streaming time of fear.”

Jan 1st 2016 4:24pm